Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Man of Integrity

"A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches"- Proverbs 22:1

James Self is the treasurer at my church. You likely have never met him. Mr. Self (sometimes I call him James because he told me I could) recently celebrated his 85th birthday. That, in itself, is impressive enough. But you also should know that James has served as the church's treasurer for 55 years!

Over the past 55 years, with no flash and without much attention given to him, Mr. Self has faithfully given his time to meet the needs of his church. He is known as a man of utmost integrity; one in whom the church has complete trust.

When I think of someone serving in such an important position for so long, I'm reminded that Mr. Self has lived out his integrity for many years. He has proven himself trustworthy many times over. I also think of a man who, back in 1954 at the relatively young age of 30, had already proven himself in such a manner that the church chose to trust him with the stewardship of its finances.

One more thing. Mr. Self's wife passed away in the fall of 2003. He still wears his wedding band. A man of integrity and commitment. Thank you, James, for the example you set.


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