Monday, July 13, 2009

A Day at Dollywood

On Saturday, my wife and I took our older son to Dollywood while little brother stayed with my parents. Our younger son doesn't get alot out of going yet and it's much easier to maneuver through the park and ride rides without pushing a stroller. It's the middle of KidsFest at Dollywood right now, and when you're with a five year old, there's alot to see and do. Here are some of my thoughts from the day:

Ever have one of those times when you think to yourself that if God would give you the last 15-20 minutes back, you'd use the time differently? I had one of those moments on Saturday after watching Skippyjon Jones, a book reenactment held in the Heartsong Theater as part of KidsFest. Not really sure what Skippyjon Jones is all about. We thought we did. But we don't. Still don't. Something about a Siamese cat who wants to be a chihuahua and, during a dream sequence, he breaks open a pinata that he thinks is a bee. No, I'm serious.

I was reminded that I don't like walking around for hours on end with wet socks and shoes.

Overheard the tram announcer as he escorted another group of guests into the park: "Make sure while you're here to stop by the Eagle Mountain Sanctuary. The eagles are flightless and are here because of sickness or injury. But they don't know they can't fly. They sit up there on the hill as proud as anybody".

Let me try to say this kindly. Some people make interesting "fashion" choices when they plan for their day at Dollywood.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. I don't think Skippyjon Jones would translate well to the theater. But the book is HILARIOUS. Trust me.


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