Monday, August 10, 2009

More Than Just Paul

I've been reading and studying through the book of Acts for some time now. I've studied through it previously but I've noticed something recently that I've overlooked before. I usually think of Acts as having the following "outline":

Chapter 1: The Ascension of Jesus
Chapter 2: Day of Pentecost
Chapters 3-8: The Early Church
Chapters 9-28: Paul's Conversion and Ministry
I often think that Acts is basically a book about the ministry of the Apostle Paul.

But what I've seen clearly in recent days is that Acts is filled with many, mostly unknown, people (people you don't hear sermons or lessons about) who boldly and daily walked with God. These people served with, served in place of, walked with and suffered with Paul. Just in chapters 17-20 we learn of people like Jason, Dionysius, Damaris, Justus, Apollos, Crispus, Gaius, Aristarchus, Secundus, Tychicus, Trophimus and Erastus.

Here's The Point: Even though the ministry of Paul seems to be featured and much is written about him (of course he was also beaten, stoned, shipwrecked and in multiple other perilous situations- read 2 Corinthians 11) many other people contributed to the rapid, worldwide spread of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Maybe they didn't write letters to churches that became books of the New Testament but, nonetheless, God worked through them in amazing ways . How is He working through you?

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