Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Santa Claus Dilemma

When it comes to the topic of Santa Claus, we have friends at the polar opposite ends of the spectrum. Some people see him as the embodiment of all things pagan and evil ("Santa is just Satan misspelled") to those who see him as a harmless "jolly old elf" who adds to the wonder and innocence of childhood. This much I know, he's hard to avoid.

But here's where it gets hard for us as parents. Tonya and I desire that our sons develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That they learn who He is and what He did. That they accept Him in childlike faith. But they can't see Him. However, Santa is everywhere at Christmastime, much more so than the Babe in the manger.

So we are left to try to explain that Jesus (who they can't see) is very real; while Santa (who they can see- they can even visit him and tell him their toy wishes) is not real. Therein lies the dilemma. We don't necessarily see Santa as being "bad" but if he ever distracts from the real meaning of Christmas, if he ever distracts from the Giver of all gifts, he will quickly be taking a one-way trip back to the North Pole.

Fortunately, I don't think our 5-year old buys it all anyway and our 2-year old could care less.

A couple of other (much more minor) things about Santa that bother me:
In most cases, we tell children not to talk to strangers.
Most men I know wouldn't be caught wearing a red suit.

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