Saturday, October 22, 2011

Catalyst Conference 2011- Lisa Borders

Lisa Borders is the President of the Grady Health Foundation and the former City Council President and the Vice-Mayor, City of Atlanta. She spoke on "The Multiplier Effect: Essentials to Leading in Business, Politics and Ministry". Following is some of what she shared:

Leadership is passion turned into action. Anyone can be a leader because everyone can be passionate about something.

There has been a change in recent years in leadership styles; from the "sage on the stage" (socratic model) to the "guide on the side" (distributive model). The guide on the side gives counsel when asked.

A leader must prepare:
Prepare yourself- academically and experientially
Prepare the environment- people need to know what to expect
Prepare the pipeline- the pipeline is the next generation

Leaders must have a strategic #2 in place. Also have a #3, #4 and #5 in place by cross-training. The #2 should be able to do what you can do and be able to do what you can't do better. Get someone whose strength is your weakness.

Men don't ask for directions; women don't ask for help.

There is no such thing as balance; there's only rhythm.

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