Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Be Resolved in 2012

With the beginning of the new year, I have begun to study the pastoral epistles in the New Testament again. A couple of days ago, as I read through Ephesians 4, I was reminded of a lesson I shared with some young married couples on January 1 of this year.

As many people begin a new year with resolutions, the text from Ephesians 4:25-32 lays out a plan for how we should live. The lesson was titled- Be Resolved in 2012:

1. Be truthful- v. 25
We should be careful not to exaggerate, make excuses or paint in shades of grey.

2. Be forgiving- v. 26
While there is such a thing as righteous anger, a Christian should settle matters with a solid trust in the Lord (Psalm 4:4,5).

3. Be aware- v. 27
Is there any sin you are hiding? Give the enemy no foothold, no opening, no opportunity.

4. Be giving- v. 28
Employees should work diligently at their place of employment. A job, a career, is a blessing. Not only that, we should use the resources from our labor to help those less fortunate.

5. Be encouraging- v. 29
Say nice things. Be nice to people. Brighten someone's day today.

6. Be thankful- v. 30
Remember how great forgiveness feels. And then live in a spirit of thankfulness.

7. Be peaceful- v. 31
Avoid drama; don't make it. Drama may make for interesting TV, but it's no way to live your life.

8. Be Christlike- v. 32
If you've been forgiven, live as an example, a representative, of Christ.

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