Tuesday, March 13, 2012

3D...Discover, Develop, Deploy- Session 1

Everyone deals with uncertainty. Making adjustments and moving forward is part of life.

The followers of Christ in the early church were embarking on a path of major life change. Their leader, Jesus Christ, returned to heaven after His resurrection and left them to carry on His ministry. But He didn't leave them without help, without hope or without purpose.

On Sunday, I began a new teaching series titled, "3D...Discover, Develop, Deploy". The text is from the first two chapters of the book of Acts. In a time of uncertainty, we can learn much from these verses to help us become the followers of Christ that He desires for us to be.

The first step of that process is one of discovery. This week, from Acts 1, we see some primary things we must Discover to be who Christ desires for us to be:

1. Discover the Teaching of Jesus- v. 1
Luke, the author of both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts, says he wrote an account "of all that Jesus began to do and teach". But what did Luke record of what Christ did first? The first words of Christ's public ministry (Luke 4: 14-21) were of Christ reading from the prophet Isaiah and then proclaiming "today, this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing". In effect, He was saying, "all those scrolls, all that history, it's all about Me; I am the Messiah".

2. Discover the Orders of Jesus- v. 2
What did Jesus tell the disciples before He returned to Heaven? What was His plan, what were His orders? In Matthew 28: 19 and 20, we learn that Christ's disciples are to go, make disciples, baptize and teach.

3. Discover the Proofs of Jesus- v. 3
Following His resurrection, Christ appeared numerous times to numerous people. These appearances were proof of His resurrection. Among the many reasons for the proofs, Christ used them to encourage disciples (John 20: 19, 20); challenge Thomas (John 20: 26-29); do many miracles (John 20: 30, 31) and restore Peter (John 21: 15-17).

4. Discover the Promise of Jesus- v. 4, 5
Jesus told his followers to wait for the promise He had told them to expect (John 14:16). The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, was about to indwell them.

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