Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3D...Discover, Develop, Deploy- Session 4

In Acts 2, we see the early followers of Christ develop as individuals and as a group and then deploy their lives in ministry. There are some steps in the process they followed that will benefit each of us:

1. Develop the Gift You've Been Given- v. 5-13
When the Holy Spirit arrived (v. 1-4), He came to fill the early followers of Christ with His presence. In doing so, He gave them a gift of diversity, an ability to speak in different languages. Prior to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the early followers were strictly a Jerusalem-based operation, speaking in their own native language. Once the Holy Spirit came, the Gospel could then be shared with others outside what was a close sphere of influence.

Each of us live our lives in different contexts. We should see that as a gift. If we all did the same thing the same way at the same time, there would be no diversity. Whether you work in a bank, at a school or in an office, you can "do" ministry where you are. Our diversity of talents, skills and abilities should be developed to the fullest.

2. Develop Your Story- v. 14-39
Peter, who only days before had denied Christ 3 times, is here seen "standing up" and raising "his voice" (v. 14) to boldly proclaim the message of the Gospel. He had developed a boldness, through the strength of the Holy Spirit, that had not previously existed.

Additionally, Peter developed a willingness to share about Christ. He speaks of the Gospel (v. 22-24); the resurrection (v. 32-34); and the need for repentance to occur for the forgiveness of sin (v. 38, 39). He was not willing to share so openly only days before.

Peter's story is a story of life change. My story and your story are stories of life change as well if Christ has forgiven your sin and the Holy Spirit lives within you. We should develop our story so we can be prepared to share as Peter did.

3. Deploy Your Life- v. 40-47
To have Holy Spirit power, a diversity of life contexts and a story of life change and to not use these for the glory of God would be wasting the gifts we've been given. We see the early followers of Christ deploy their lives in ministry:

By encouraging others- v. 40A
By sharing the Gospel- v. 40B, 41
By living like Christ- v. 42-45
By loving the church- v. 46, 47

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