Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Exponential Conference Notes- Brian and Amy Bloye

I recently attended the Exponential Conference in Orlando, Florida. The conference was comprised of several main sessions as well as several breakout sessions. Brian Bloye and his wife Amy led a breakout session for couples in ministry to encourage them as they serve together. Brian serves as the Pastor of West Ridge Church in Dallas. Georgia.

They offered several points to help couples maintain their focus and balance as they serve in ministry:

1. The journey must involve 3 persons: you, spouse, Jesus
Pray together; encourage one another; you can't find your significance in your spouse

2. Learn to create margin
When everything is planned out, it makes it harder for God to "pop in" and surprise us

3. Cheat in the right places
Never cheat your family; you will cheat somewhere, you can't truly do it all

4. Learn to say "No"
Do what is important, not just what seems urgent; you can't do everything; you can't please everyone; you can't be great at everything; turn off the voices that don't matter; say "no" in a gracious way; always listen to your wife, she will always have your best interest in mind; guard your family during times of criticism, circle the wagons

5. Put solid boundaries around your marriage
Never alone with opposite sex; be careful who and how you counsel

6. Set healthy expectations for yourself and your children
We don't have to earn God's approval. Jesus took care of that; sometimes, enough really is enough

7. Learn what fills your emotional tanks and keep them full
Don't be afraid to engage a counselor

8. Focus on a few good friendships
Naturally occurring friendships seem to work the best; there is no need to force a friendship; pray that God will provide good friendships; not every friendship has to be deep down but you need one or two

9. Create a healthy rhythm for doing life together
Make healthiness (spiritual, emotional, physical) a part of your lifestyle

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