Saturday, March 27, 2010

Book Review- Pyro Marketing

Mass marketing is dead. That's what Greg Stielstra states in his book, Pyro Marketing. Stielstra claims the best way to understand marketing, the way its messages are sent, received, acted upon and spread, is to think of it as fire. Pyro Marketing, he explains, features four steps:

1. Gather the driest tinder: promote to the people most likely to buy;
2. Touch it with the match: give them an experience with your product or service;
3. Fan the flames: help them tell others;
4. Save the coals: keep a record of who they are.

Many of the concepts presented in the book have been shared in other formats but the fire analogy seems quite applicable. Though at times the book is a bit repetitive and some of the sections on brain activity are more in-depth than is easily readable, Pyro Marketing is thought provoking in its attempts to challenge the reader to seek new, more effective ways to market products, goods and services.

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