Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No Offseason

Over the course of the past year, my oldest son has been involved in various youth sports: spring soccer, summer track, flag football in the fall and basketball during the winter. We've allowed him to try different sports to see what he likes to do. So far he likes everything.

Each sport has had a distinct time frame or slot on our family calendar. From preseason practice through the schedule of regular season league games to the post-season awards event, we've penciled in each seasons' starting and ending date. Recently, our basketball season finished in late February and soccer practice begins next week.

While our family has enjoyed each athletic season, we've also enjoyed the breaks that have occurred between each season. The offseason. The time "off" for weeks without practices and/or games. The breaks in the schedule have been nice.

But parenting is entirely different. In parenting, there is no offseason.

Here's the Point: As I think about the change of athletic seasons and the offseasons that accompany them, as a parent, I'm reminded of Ephesians 5:15, 16: "Be very careful, then, how you live- not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity". We try to always look for teachable moments, to make the most of every opportunity, with our sons. Times to encourage, support and build-up them up, not always simply to correct or discipline them. Because, as a Dad, there is no offseason. Making the most of every opportunity is imperative for every parent, as the last words of Ephesians 5:16 remind us- "because the days are evil".

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