Monday, October 15, 2012

Catalyst Conference- Craig Groeschel

Earlier this month, several members of our church staff attended the Catalyst Conference in Duluth, GA. Over the next several posts, I'll share some of my notes from Catalyst.

Craig Groeschel is the Founding and Senior Pastor of  He shared from Acts 20 and encouraged his listeners to prepare for:

1. The Spirit's Prompting-
They were compelled by the Spirit
When the Spirit speaks, pay attention

2. Certain Uncertainty-
Take the step of faith without knowing all the details
If you're not leading with a little uncertainty every now and then, you're not leading by faith

3. Predictable Resistance-
If you are not ready to face opposition for your obedience to God, you are not ready to be used by God
If you blame yourself for the declines, you may take credit for the increases
Anything that's new and effective will be met with resistance

4. Uncommon Clarity-
For this I was created

God has to work in you before He can work through you.

Whenever you think you're good at something, you're full of pride.

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