Wednesday, November 28, 2012

So We Had A Conversation

Parker (8) and a friend of his are involved with several other students in an after-school science program at their elementary school. One of the school's great teachers leads the program along with some students from Johnson University.

Recently, during one of their afternoon sessions, the students from Johnson asked Parker and his friend about the good and bad things (they called them apples and onions) they had on their schedules. Parker's friend mentioned that they had Living Christmas Tree (LCT) practice that evening. The Johnson students said they had heard about the LCT, a community outreach event featuring the story of Jesus that our church ( hosts every year, but that they'd never attended.

"So we had a conversation about that", Parker told us that evening. And then he told us that they invited the Johnson students to the event, even offering to get tickets for them. We were proud of the boldness that Parker and his friend showed that day.

Here's The Point: Is there someone you need to have a conversation with? Something you need to share with someone? Maybe you need to share the story of Jesus with a family member or coworker. And you know in your heart it's the right thing to do. Be bold. Have a conversation.

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